細かな装飾をあしらった婚約指輪《ルレ relais》を、落ち着いた色合いが美しいシャンパンゴールドで作らせていただき、重厚感のあるクラシカルな雰囲気に仕上げさせていただきました。
名前の《ルレ relais》はリレーの意味で、ゴールテープのリボンのようだなぁと名付けました。
Engagement ring “Relais” with fine decorations.
I made this ring in champagne gold, which has a beautiful, calm color, and gave it a dignified, classical atmosphere.
The sculptural, three-dimensional design was inspired by the image of a ribbon fluttering in the air.
The name “Relais” means “relay,” and we named it “Relais” because it looks like the ribbon of a goal tape.
The diamond in the center is held in place with eight small claws, accentuating the presence of the diamond.
It is an engagement ring that combines dynamism and delicacy.