Using Kihei necklace and diamond ring that their parents gave them I remade them into jewelry for their family.
Wow! A cute doggy staring straight with round eyes, sitting with a diamond.
I made a necklace for the doggy he had when he was a kid. He looked for pictures of the dog and I made it with reference to it. It was a cute doggy with white fluffy fur and bushy ears.
And a diamond bracelet. It was remade into a mille grains bracelet using diamonds from a diamond ring. We hope that she will make an outstanding performance in the coming season.
And I made a pairing for the couple who ordered. It is a combination ring of gold and platinum. It has a slightly wide flat surface, a matte hammer finish, and a textured finish.
Finally, Kihei’s bracelet, leaving the original shape, will be worn by the husband from now on.
譲り受けられたジュエリーをお使いして Remake of the inherited jewelry